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SBLC Update: July 31, 2024
In This SBLC UpdateSenate vote tomorrow on H.R. 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and WorkersH.R. 7024You’ll recall that on Jan. 31 the House passed H.R. 7024, the “Tax Relief for American Fa…
CTA Delay in NDAA
July 25, 2024Dear Chairman Brown and Ranking Member Scott:The undersigned organizations, representing millions of small businesses, strongly support amending the FY2025 National Defense Authorization …
NEMRA25 Important Updates
UPDATED AGENDAPlease note the change in schedule for the Sales Mastery: Sales Management class. It will now be held on Sunday instead of Saturday based on member feedback to accommodate more participa…
Kevin O'Neill: In-MemoriamIt is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Kevin O’Neill, who passed away on May 31st, 2024.He died peacefully at home. He passed from this life to the next…